
Wednesday, January 02, 2013

One Word: Act

It is not a resolution. It is one word to focus on.

My word for 2013 is ACT.


I spent a lot of time thinking about my word for this year. I was drawn to the word change, feeling like 2013 is going to be a year of great change for me. But it did not feel completely right.

Yesterday I was on facebook, and saw this from my friend Cherie LaLanne,

"However many inspiring or encouraging words, truths, and promises we read or speak, what good will they do you if we do not act on them?" 

I immediately knew that I had found my word. Act.

Change requires action.

If I want to see big changes in my life this year, it is important that I don't just sit quietly and wait for change to happen to me.

I need to go after those changes.

I need to act on the ideas, plans, and dreams in my heart.

I need to be open to where God is leading me, and take the steps necessary to get there.

2013 is going to be my year of action.

What one word would you pick for 2013?
If you want to join a community of people living out One Word in 2013, check out One Word 365.


  1. Ok so I picked 2 words but in my defense you cannot have one and do it right without having the other.. I like Act. Definitely something I need to do more of in my life.

    1. I love how your two words work together. Good stuff!

  2. What a great focus for the year!

  3. act is good. gratitude is an action word, and all that jazz. I like it.

    1. Gratitude really is an action word. I like it too.

  4. I think Action is everything. Great word.

  5. I chose Restoration but the more I think about it ... I may need 2 words .... because restoration is what I hope for, and desire, but the more I read other people's posts the more I think I need an action word too. Hmmmm....

    1. I think you could definitely go for two words if you want!

      No matter what, I hope that 2013 is a year of restoration for you.

  6. Loving this. Act is a great word. I'll have to check out that link. Thanks!

    1. Awesome! If you end up picking a word, I would love to hear about it.

  7. That is a great focus .... and it is so true ... thinking and hoping will not change things but actions will! Best wishes!

    1. Exactly! I'm going to be all about the actions!

  8. I think, judging by the goals that I've been setting in place with my support worker and the other goals I've decided on lately, that mine will be "connect". Pretty much all of my goals fit with the word "connect" in some form - even if not the most obvious way.

    Not only do I want to grow by making connections between past experiences and current behaviours/thoughts/reactions (and then working to change them), but I want to build friendships and connections with people as much as I can this year (especially building up a local friendship base). I also want to strengthen my connection with myself, by doing things that I enjoy and that are good for me.

    I might even write a short blog post about all this -- after all, that's another kind of connection. ;)

    1. I love CONNECT! That is a great word-focus. Those are really great goals. I could do with a little more connecting in all of those ways myself.

    2. Thanks. :) I did end up doing a proper write up of my goals for the year (not quite exactly in the spirit of One Word, maybe, but it's what works for me!) and posting it.

      I think a lot of those connections are things most people identify with to some degree. Re you doing them... that fits with ACT, too. ;)

  9. This makes me more happy in the pants than I can find words to explain.

    Also, you've inspired me, as you continue to do.

    1. You make me happy, and inspire me, every day. <3

  10. Your word is very similar to mine.
    You could say it's the same.
    Won't say more, have a post for this on Monday. :)

  11. I love the "change requires action" ... that's awesome!

  12. I think Act is a great word! Here is to act and grow--our 2013 words of action! :)

    1. Grow is SUCH a great word!

      We are going to action 2013 until we own it!

  13. Brilliant word! Great choice.

  14. I highly approve! So often I tell people that complaining will only get you so far - action will really take you where you need to be. My life is proof of this - if it's not working, change something!

    1. Yes! Exactly.

      This is going to be the year I change things.

  15. I think you chose a good one. Happy New Year!

  16. Great word. I've noticed a lot of bloggers picking a word or two for a theme for 2013. You can use that to motivate you so many different ways.

    Happy Sharefest!

  17. Love this! You can apply "Act" in so many ways: personally, professionally, through philanthropy, etc. I have been thinking of having "year of action" be my mantra this year. I want to make things happen for good! Good luck!

    Stopping by from #SITSsharefest

  18. I love your word, Tracie. I think it suits you perfectly and your post is beautiful.

  19. I love your theme word ACT! We often have so many ideas but do not execute and take action enough. Mine is very similar. Great blog Tracie. I look forward to more of your posts!

  20. What a great word for the year.So true what you write - it all starts with an act! I don't have a word yet, but Monday I'm posting about how my word for 2012 STOP wrecked my world. Thanks for stopping by and sharing. Happy SITS!!!

  21. LOVE this word choice. Love the reasons for it. It is perfect. Stopping by from SITS Sharefest on Twitter.

  22. ACT - I like it. Its much better than change. After reading so many great words today on Sharefest, I've finally come up with mine - Wholeness. I am working on a strength challenge this year, but didn't want my word to be strength or strong. Instead I want to feel whole.

    Looking forward to following your journey.

  23. So fitting. No matter what you want to do this year, it all starts with action. Very nice!

  24. Act is a great choice, Tracie! I think we could all pick that word and put it to good use this year. My word for 2013 is lion. I need to be brave like a lion and take more risks! :)

  25. I love your word for the year. I am so glad to have seen you gaining momentum and energy!

  26. Yes, action ...
    Not being a bystander but taking control.
    I look forward to seeing where you head this year xxx
