I haven't written Friday Fragments for you. That changes now.
1. I spent time looking at pictures of fall leaves the other night for a project I'm working on this month. It made me long for cool air and Pumpkin Spice lattes. And cute hats and scarves. And boots.
It saddens me that we don't get a real change of seasons down here in Florida. Maybe I should try painting the leaves on the bushes in front of my door red so I can pretend it is fall? Maybe not. It sure would be easier than trying to paint the palm trees.
2. I have found, during my new early morning schedule, that people are really chatty on Twitter in the morning. I never realized there were so many morning people until I started to become an early riser.
3. I need new highlighters. Preferably in multiple colors. And large quantities. You can never have too many highlighters. Especially once homeschool starts, and you find yourself having to share with your kid like a nice mom.
4. Go read other fragments at Mrs.4444's place, and you will get to see pictures of her cute puppies. I can't read her blog during the day anymore, because Katarina won't let me click away from the cuteness.

One more thing! When I saw that the September writing prompt at Band Back Together was to write a letter you can't send, I knew immediately who I would write to - my cousin Peter. Writing this letter was a cathartic experience. I wanted to share it here, especially for those of you who have read about Peter before, and my failed attempt at reconnecting with him. My letter to Peter is at Band Back Together, Dear Peter: I Miss You.
Do you have a letter you would love to write, but can't send?
Consider submitting it to Band Back Together this month.
I love highlighters.
ReplyDeleteIn fact, I too love office supplies of many varieties.
My sis moved to FL two years ago - - - she too is missing the seasons and their changes dreadfully.
Office supplies are always great.
DeleteI've lived in Florida for most of my life, so I'm used to the lack of seasons. I can't imagine coming here from a place that had a fall - it would be so sad.
I must admit one of the reasons I love PA is the fall colors. Such a beautiful sight. I don't think painting palm trees will have the same affect.
ReplyDeleteI don't think so either :( I'll just have to spend extra time reading blogs that have pretty pictures of their fall leaves.
DeleteNeat idea! And perfect for a Friday;)
ReplyDelete=) I like easy and fun things on Fridays.
DeleteI find that I am not only teaching my children how to share, but myself as well.
ReplyDeleteYesterday I was walking alone (which is rare) and I felt a particular crispness in the air and remembered how much I love fall.
It is interesting to me how much I end up teaching myself (or learning from my child) as I do this mom thing.
DeleteI love the sidebar facts about yourself. I love Jesus. I love office supplies. If I did not love Jesus as much as I do, I would have absconded with my a seriously cute pack of rubber bands in the office of my mom yesterday.
ReplyDeleteCute rubber bands are hard to resist. You did good to leave them there!
DeleteThere is a lot of chatter on Twitter in the mornings. Most of it's died down by the time I'm able to get on b/c I think most of my pals are east coast and I'm an hour behind. Plus with a toddler, computer time is limited to naps.
ReplyDeleteIf you are on late at night, you might find me. I'm always up much later than all my east coast peeps.
DeleteI love the aroma of pumpkin-spice-flavored things. The taste? is ok. and sweaters. We don't have much in the way of seasons here in the ArkLaTex, either, although we do get a bit more than you. I'll send pictures of our leaves if you like?
ReplyDeleteYes, please!! I would love to see your leaves!
ReplyDeleteNo fall is one of the reasons I could never move to Florida. We are all about the fall here...fall parties, jumping in leaves...even the smell of fall (You want me to box some up and send it your way?).
Twitter in the morning? Um, guilty.
Yes, please! If you can figure out how to box up fall, I want that box!!
DeleteI'll be looking for you this week on the early morning twitter.
I'm that way about my dry erase markers at school!
ReplyDeleteI'd write a letter to my ex husband.
Dry erase markers are great!!
DeleteI hope you write that letter (even if you don't submit it to BB2G), it can be a very freeing process.
You know what Florida does though? It gives you that tiny hint of things wanting to change--that slightly cooler temp, the drop in humidity, and it leaves you just about begging for it. For, like, the rest of your life. I'm in Hong Kong now, and this weekend we have a tropical storm offshore. It's made the temp a tiny bit cooler, which automatically throws this Florida girl into a "OMG IT'S CHRISTMAS!" mode. Sigh. Florida. It ruins you. :-)
ReplyDeleteYES! YES! You get it.
DeleteWe are having that right now. This is the week of the slight drop! Exactly the way you described it. Florida is like no other place.
Fall is wonderful and I am thinking about the fall boots I want yo add to my collection.
ReplyDeleteI can't think of something I'd write but can't send. Maybe I'm just not sentimental emough. :-\
One time I wrote a great letter to my clothes - the ones that wouldn't fold themselves, and keep 'shrinking' while hanging in the closet. It wasn't sentimental, but it was pretty fun!
DeleteBoots are my favorite shoes to buy (besides flip flops).
Oh my gosh, pumpkin spice lattés! The best thing about fall, for sure. I also share your love of office supplies. My favourite work task is shopping at Staples. :) Stopping by from SITS.
ReplyDeleteI would love a job that required me to go shop at Staples. That is fabulous!
DeleteThat's one of the things I love most about Utah - 4 distinct seasons. It's cooling down nicely now and the mountains are changing colors. The trees in town will change soon, too.
ReplyDeleteOh, how many letters I'd like to write but not send. I've written a few for therapy. I'm off to read yours.
Happy Sharefest. Have a great weekend.
Writing those letters can be such a blessing. I've done it in the past, and found real clarity as I directed my words to someone.
DeleteYou know what I love just as much as fall? SNOW! Snow is awesome.
While I'm so ready for fall, I am dreading the dreariness of winter in Portland so I'm holding on with both hands to these sunny summerish days.
ReplyDeleteI can understand that. Too bad you can't send your fall to me, I would trade you for my summery sun!
DeleteI kind of wish we got more than a week of fall in October down here in Florida. lol But I don't mind mild winters.
ReplyDeleteI decorate my house for fall, and pretend. =)
I do the same thing!!
DeleteOh my, I complain bitterly when it's 25 degrees out with 3 feet of snow on the ground but I would miss autumn terribly. It is my most favorite time of year.