From Tracie: Intentional Gratitude

Monday, November 12, 2012

Intentional Gratitude

A long time ago in internet time, Beth sent me a copy of the book One Thousand Gifts just because she loves me (thanks Beth!). And because she could probably tell I needed it. And I read it, but I wasn't in the right head space to really internalize the message, even though I wanted to reach out and embrace a daily gratitude focus.

I set it aside for a better day. And even though it stared at me from a stack of books I pass by every day, I didn't pick it up again. Until last week.


Everyone on facebook is sharing things they are thankful for, because it is November, and contrary to what the decorations in the stores might say, it is Thanksgiving season here in the US. Reading the thankful lists reminded me of One Thousand Gifts, and I realized it was the time to pick it back up again.

I'm telling you this, because it was a long weekend (not bad, just long), and today has already been a long day (which seems impossible considering I woke up three hours late this morning, but somehow it works out that way), and I need a little intentional gratitude. Maybe you do too.


So this is where I would put a list of things I'm intentionally grateful for right now.

But I'm not going to do that.

Because I want to read your things.

What are you grateful for?
Something big and something small....go!

Okay, I can't resist a little sharing of my own. 
Something big - God providing a thing I wasn't even expecting. 
Something small - sunlight streaming through the window.


  1. Something big - Jeff. Not that he's a big person, but that his heart is as big as all outdoors.

    Something small - snow flakes. They are tiny one by one. But can add up to someone huge when they all get together.

    1. I love that you specified that Jeff isn't a big person. hehe

      And I also love what you said about snow flakes. <3

  2. Something big - Discovering that I can be loved unconditionally after 48 years of experiencing much different.

    Something small - Hot spiced cider K-cups at work this morning

    1. That big HUGE! HUGE! I love that you have discovered that in your life.

      And Hot Spiced Cider cups sound yummy, and perfect for November. <3

  3. Something big- Finding people in my life that love me exactly as I am.
    Something small- A quiet evening at home with my love.

    1. I love you....exactly as you are!

      That something small is one of those big things that disguise themselves as small. I'm happy you have that in your life! <3

  4. Something small : caramel drizzle coffee. Something big : the calmness i feel in the face of financial uncertainty we're facing; because that isn't me, it is coming from something far greater than me.

    1. I love that you are feeling that calmness. It is tough to find that when financial uncertainty comes to visit (I know!). It is a blessing when it falls over you, and allows you to release the stress and fear.

      Caramel Drizzle Coffee - YUM!

  5. Big - I am thankful for having Jesus in my life
    small - I love having Starbucks down at the end of the block

    1. On your big thing - AMEN! I'm so thankful for having Him in my life, too.

      A Starbucks within walking distance is a beautiful thing.

  6. Something big- becoming a grandma (*even though I am not near old enough)
    something small- coffee.. lots and lots of coffee

    1. Not even nearly old enough - but I'm so very happy for you!

      Coffee. I'm thankful for coffee every day! (and for you!)

  7. Something big - all of the people who have stepped up to help us with transportation as we have dealt with having no working vehicle.

    Something small - hot baths... which to me are kind of a BIG thing but you know... yeah... hot baths.

    1. On your something big...well, you know I know exactly what you mean. I'm so happy that you have people in your life who love you, and are able (and willing!) to show that love in practical ways like helping you with transportation. That is a huge blessing!

  8. The morning squeeze I recieved from my son this morning.
    Warm winter coat, boots, hats and mittens.
    That I have insurance that covers massage therapy to help control my chronic pain.
    And you gorgeous and your beautiful and thought provoking writing :)

    1. I love this list! A good morning squeeze is a huge thing.

      Warmth and insurance to help enable needed massage therapy are huge, too.

      I'm happy that my writing makes you happy! It means so much to me to read that. I'm thankful for you reading it!

  9. Oh my goodness Tracie - I LOVED that book. Right now I am glad that Jesus is the center of my life! sandie

    1. Amen! That is something to be thankful for!

      (it is SUCH an awesome book!)

  10. I'm grateful for God and my town and my freaders. (

    1. Oh Alex, I love this SO VERY MUCH!

      And I love your generous and kind heart.
      I'm thankful for you and your heart.

  11. I think the main thing that sticks out for me and it is a Something Big, is that my personal relationship with my Heavenly Daddy has grown considerably! Wo----

    1. That is a huge and beautiful thing!! I'm so happy your relationship is growing!

  12. Something big: Seeing how far I've come in the past 4 years.
    Something small: Yummy smelling candles to make autumn even better.

  13. Okay, good. I need this today. Today I am grateful for. . .

    Big Thing: my relationship with one of my brothers has really changed and grown and gotten a thousand times better over the past five years. The love he has for my children makes him completely new in my eyes, and I love having him on my side now.

    Small Thing: when my daughter really laughs--a good laugh--she has this tiny little dimple right under her nose. It's really freaking cute. When she's stressing me out, I try to focus on getting that dimple to come out. For me, really.

  14. Hmm. BIG I'm glad that God saved me from the marriages I could have had and gave me the one I needed - the desire of my heart.

    Small - I like making cupcakes for French people, whose eyes widen in pleasure when they taste.

  15. I've heard so much about the book....need to get a copy and thankful for the big - Grace..His grace that gave me life and new book came out today....Hugs Tracy. I just love your awesome incredible spirit.....and thankful for finding you here in cyberspace

  16. The restoration and recovery of my marriage. It's painfully slow and some times it's painful but it is happening! We speak the things that for too long lay hidden in the dark and silent places and the truth has set us free to love again.

    Caleb, Josiah's best friend, decided to move back to Oklahoma and is living with us for a while. I was so sad that the best friend of my somewhat shy and reclusive child had moved away! I'm sure this is hard for Caleb's mom but for Josiah, and myself, I am grateful!

    I'm glad you are enjoying the book more now! =)
