From Tracie: Someone Needs A Candy Crush Intervention

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Someone Needs A Candy Crush Intervention


My breath caught in my throat yesterday when I opened up my email, and saw a message from my mother with that subject line.


It seemed to take hours for the email to load, although it was really only seconds. My mind went to the worst places in those seconds.

It had to be something bad. My mom is not usually prone to hysterics, and she certainly would not want to worry me unnecessarily.

I thought her house had burned down, or she was in the hospital, or my Grandma was sick, or she had been in a car wreck.


The subject line screamed at me. I was terrified.

The email opened, and this is what I saw:
EMERGENCY! HELP! friend has passed me and is on 108 now….PLEASE HELP!
LOL…but if you get a chance, I would love to get out of this section and pass her again!
Love Mom
I felt momentarily confused.

Was she emailing me about a Candy Crush emergency?

Is there such a thing as a Candy Crush emergency?

What do you do with an email like that? I tweeted about it. Instead of sympathy, I had people ask me if I would beat their Candy Crush levels for them.

(No, I will not beat your Candy Crush level for you. No one came to my house to beat Candy Crush level 97 for me when I asked.)

After my heart stopped pounding, I responded to my mom's email:
Oh my goodness, crazy woman.
You scared me with that first line!!
I tried to pass it yesterday, but failed. I will try again today.
Love you!
Surely she would write me back, and apologize for scaring me, right?

Wrong. It did not even occur to her to apologize.

This was the response I received this afternoon:
Did you read *Margie’s post today about the dirt?
Also I passed it this morning, but still need help to catch up to her…..please, please….
What would make my normally kind, caring mother do something like this?
Candy Crush. Candy Crush is evil.

It is becoming increasingly clear that my mom needs a Candy Crush intervention.

Anyone who is having a Candy Crush emergency needs an intervention.
And possibly a 12-step program of some sort.

My mom is stuck on Level 105.

How do you pass Level 105 on Candy Crush? I have a tip for you:
Don't give a heart attack to the person whose help you want.

I am not feeling much sympathy for her. Those moments of terror I felt while that email loaded were awful. Also, I am stuck on Level 162 of Candy Crush, and a friend just passed me on her way to Level 164.

Look at this board:
Candy Crush Level 162 Board
Candy Crush Level 162 (those brown circles spit out chocolate)

Clearly I am the one who needs help. I don't know how to beat Level 162.

Hey, can you beat Candy Crush Level 162 for me? It is an emergency.....

Maybe I need an intervention of my own.

Do you need a Candy Crush intervention?
*Margie's post about the dirt? Our friend Margie was on facebook today, referring to a story about the time my mom made me water dirt. I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried.

**I love you, mom!


  1. LOL! I feel her (and your) pain! When I started giving serious consideration to making regular payments for power ups - I decided to just say no to Candy Crush! And I was only in the 70s! Those whirlpool thingies confused me and I was starting to hate chocolate!

    1. I am not as well written as my daughter, but as I was innocently looking at facebook...there it was a post from Tracie....and...oh no....she didn't....yes she did....she posted a blog post about her "dear old mother", breaking the unspoken rule of "not writing about her mother with out permission". Aaaahhhh the power of a blogger, writing a one-sided dramatic story..:):) Well after the shock of it and having to control the chest pains, I am now able to comment on your post. I am sorry that I used the word Emergency with one ! and Help with one !. I did not intend to scare you but just to ask for your help, in a way that you would notice that I really and sincerely wanted help and to get your attention LOL. After reading your blog, I did have a tinge of remorse by using the words Emergency and Help...until I read further on and ....oh no....she didn't do that....she really did...she linked her old post about the dirt story...AGAIN (after which she made the promise not to write about me)....somehow I am not feeling to sorry now. :) Seriously, I do think that Candy Crush is making a little on the edge! I didn't expect my sweet loving daughter to call me a "Crazy Woman" though. I am sure that your readers will agree with me that the only way to solve this issue, is for you to help me so your mother can rest at night and feel loved:) I LOVE YOU TRACIE....thanks for the laughs, even though it was at my expense:)

    2. @Beth - Everyone in my world is starting to hate chocolate, too. I am especially hating it now that I am on the levels with the chocolate spitters - because even when you get rid of all the chocolate, it will spit more out at you. sigh.

    3. @Mom - In my defense, Margie brought up the dirt first! And I am certain that I never referred to you as old. But you are "dear" to my heart. And I certainly NEVER write dramatic stories.... ;-)

      It is clear that I owe you some help passing levels after this, so I will work on that today. But only because I love you, and you are the most awesome mom EVER.

  2. My Godson is absolutely addicted to this now!!

  3. Ahh see I broke that addiction when I hit 101 I think. I think any game that makes me that mad instead of calming me needs to be ignored..

    1. I know exactly what you mean, but I have this need to finish it. Plus, what would I blog about if it wasn't for Candy Crush? If only someone would help me beat Level 162...

  4. Geez, I'm stuck on Level 70. any tips? (LOL!)

    1. To beat level 70 on Candy Crush, try to get sideways stripy candies that will take out the chocolate on the right side, before you break the licorice ties. I think that is how I finally beat it. That was a hard level!

  5. LOL! Another funny mom story. You gotta share more of her antics. Adorable!

    1. My mom is hilarious...but I am mostly bared from talking about her here. Except this time - because I simply couldn't resist after that email!

  6. Wow I am stuck on 105 too and now I will have nightmares about those chocolate spitters..

    1. Oh, yes. The chocolate spitters are THE WORST! I never wanted to hate chocolate more than I do in the moments when I am playing a level with them in it.

      Good luck on level 105!

  7. Oh gosh! I haven't begun Candy Crush yet, but Husby spends a lot of time on it! My smaller addiction is Bejewelled Blitz, which is really straightforward and can't get you 'stuck'.

    Y'all, Google is your friend.

    1. Bejewelled Blitz is my first love, and I still play it. I try to top 900,000 each week (but I'm really shooting for getting over 1 million when I can).

      It is so very nice to play over there, where it is all about speed, and there is no way to get stuck.

  8. My husband is slightly addicted to this confounded game. He comes home from work and immediately picks up his iPod touch and starts playing. He is oblivious to me talking to him, the dinner getting cold on the table, etc. The only thing that I've found that breaks this wicked spell is to send our 6 year old to "attack daddy!" which ends in a dog pile of hubby and son wrestling and giggling in a heap on the floor. If he ever starts ignoring the child because of this game, I will have to seriously think about stuffing his touch in regions that never see daylight. ;)

    Hope your mom recovers soon! :)

    1. UhOh! It sounds like he definitely needs an intervention. Is there a Candy Crush rehab somewhere? We should send our loved ones.

      I love that your son plays the "attack daddy" game, and it ends in giggles and wresting. That is awesome. Much more fun that Candy Crush! :)

  9. I just started playing this, and I'm only at 35! Last week my cousin posted that she hated chocolate, and I wasn't sure what she was talking about at first...but sure enough, she was talking about Candy Crush!

    1. Oh yes. That was definitely a Candy Crush related status update. Good luck with level 35!

  10. I cannot stop laughing because my mom would send me THE VERY SAME EMAIL!! Hahahaha.

    It took me several tries to break my own Candy Crush addiction. I haven't played in well over a month at this point. When you get to a certain point, it gets so hard and you do start feeling desperate. I can't remember what level I'm on (somewhere in the 160s I think)...and I'm too afraid to open it to check. I'm afraid it will draw me back in!! --Lisa

    1. Hahahaha!! I'm so happy to know that I am not the only one whose mom sends emails like this!! :)

      I bet you are on level 162. I am STILL on that level, with no idea how to pass it. It almost makes logging into my mom's account to help her with the bomb levels fun.....that is how much I hate level 162 on Candy Crush. Desperation is a good word.

      Don't open it. You might never get back out again.

      Or do open it......then you can beat level 162, and tell me how you did it!

  11. I had three Facebook games that I got way to into. I refuse to give into the siren call of Candy Crush. lol

  12. I just finished my twelfth step of Candy Crush detox and can;t even think about going back. :D Productivity was at an all time low and I completely felt obsessed. I completely feel your pain but can only observe from a distance at this point.

    Thanks for such a fun post. Glad to stop by from Sharefest.
    ~heather @

  13. I'm not addicted yet, only being on level 7! I'm still on Bubble Witch and recently found Jurassic Par Builder, so I might not need another one, but I do feel your pain!


  14. rofl My mom has sent me similar emails/texts. "Send me a ticket NOW!!!!" or "How did you get so far?! You're not that smart!!" (gee, thanks mom....)

    Happy Sharefest Saturday! :)
    Mommy Has Cents

  15. I've never played Candy Crush but so many are addicted.

  16. So glad it wasn't a real emergency...
    My parents don't even know how to use a computer...I'm starting to think that might be a good thing.

    Stopping in from SITS

  17. LOL. I have never played Candy Crush because I fear that I'll get sucked in like the many who are addicted to it. I should capitalize on their addictions and begin a supportive group therapy. Hmmm....#sitssharefest

  18. I have been stuck on 97 for TWO FREAKIN WEEKS! I keep getting so close and I actually caught myself throwing an actual temper tantrum once when I missed it by is an evil, evil addiction....I would say more but I am pretty sure I have given it enough time to regenerate a few more lives so back into the fray!

  19. I got stuck on 136 for a month, but up until that point I so badly needed a candy crush intervention. I stopped blogging, cleaning my house, forgot what my kids looked like! So I guess my complete and utter failure at passing that level was a blessing in disguise. Unless you wanna complete it for me. LOL

  20. This is hillarious! I'm so glad I decided NOT to get mixed up with Candy Crush! I know I would be addicted! I was shocked to see MY mom hooked on it as well! She's just on level 25 though! LOL! Stopping in from sharefest!

  21. Okay, I'm going to have to actually finally download this app and see what all the hype is about. EVERYONE is playing it!

  22. I feel your pain. I've have been stuck on level 135 for like 3 months. I had to give up on it eventually. About once a week I'll randomly try again and 2 or 3 tries later I remember how frustrating it is and quit again. Why can't I quit you, Candy Crush?

  23. I am stuck at 29. I do find myself needed to just walk away an leave it be. Thank goodness it only lets you play for a little while. Good to know I am not the only one who needs an intervention.(Stopping over from SITS)

  24. My husband is totally addicted- I'm the one who got him started but he is almost 100 levels ahead of me(I tell him this is b/c he plays more than I do, not because he's better than me).

    I'm stuck on 181 and I think I might be there forever.

  25. I do not play Candy Crush. I am repeatedly glad I do not.

  26. This is *&^% hilarious!!!! I have never played Candy Crush, but I got into Bejeweled this spring and I was totally consumed.

  27. I'm stuck on level 320 right now. I keep deciding to quit. And then not quitting. I once quit for about a week. And I never should have started again!

    P.S. I remember the level you're on. It sucked.

  28. yes indeed funny about the addiction to CC ! it is fun though!

  29. so funny how everyone is addicted! give me life please!! i will share this to all my CC friends!

  30. This was fun reading - even the part about the dirt! LOL! But I'm still stuck on 162. LOL!

  31. I too am stuck on level 105 and have thought numorous times that this is an evil game but keep on playing. Just when I think I will give up I pass that dreaded level (some are very difficult w/o just the right moves). I can't wait to crush level 105 and will probably blog about the next level that is driving me crazy!!!
