From Tracie: For Which I Am Thankful

Saturday, March 01, 2014

For Which I Am Thankful

Some weeks make it very easy to write a list of ten things for which to be thankful. This was one of those weeks. Plus, I've included pictures.

1. Shells from Tia that traveled far to bring me a smile. If you listen closely, you might hear Oregon calling out to you. Or maybe that is just me.

Shells From Oregon Coast

2. And the fact that some of those shells have polka dots.
You know I love my polka dots.

3. This kid. Giggly selfies. Early morning silliness.

Tracie and Katarina

4. The #365FeministSelfie hashtag. I don't participate every day, but it always makes me smile to scroll through the pictures on Instagram.

5. Sycamore Trees.

Sycamore Tree At Dusk

6. Dusk. Especially on rainy days.

7. Good books.
Jasper Fforde never disappoints. The Giver is a classic. And I am going to write an entire post about the Ashley Judd memoir this week. It was amazing.

Collage of Good Books

8. Adding things to my Goodreads list. I've read 19 books so far this year, and it is the most random collection of books you have ever seen.

9. Lamplight through rain-dropped windows.

Lamplight Through Rainy Window

10. That eating at the Latin American Chinese Sushi Buffet didn't kill us all.

It was so scary, I had to tweet about it. Consider it a public service announcement. And then stick with restaurants that only offer one genre of food. Or at the most two. Your stomach will thank you.

What is making you thankful this week?
What good books are you reading? I always need recommendations.


  1. I agree, if a restaurant offers more than one genre of food, I simply assume that it's not good, except they have two chefs de cuisine. The best I've seen was an Italian / Indian place. Nope! I hope you and your family are feeling better!! Love the shells by the way. I remember as a child, the best things about family vacation at the beach were looking for shells :-) Have a great weekend, Tracie!

    1. Italian and Indian? There are no words to express how very different those two things are. Silly restaurant owners.

      I grew up near the beach, but never really had a shell collection. Which is a little crazy now that I think about it. But my grandmother used to have a glass jar in her living room with the most beautiful shells in it. I loved to pull them all out and line them up on the table - but I wasn't really allowed to do that, so it didn't happen very often.

      Hope you are having a great weekend, too!

  2. what a nice… 'range' of grat items! There is a 'story' component to all of our Posts here at the TToT, yours today was a nice, one or two twists, pleasant story for a winter Saturday.

    1. Thank you. I do like the story component of TToT. It is always interesting to see how people weave their ten things together.

  3. Ha! Latin american sushi? Pass. ;) My son read The Giver a long time ago. It was before I had the birds and bees talk with him and the book was a little over his head for his age at the time. He was in 5th grade. It was good but the whole taking pills to calm the "stirrings" thing was a little much for my first year homeschooling brain. LOL Beware!!

    1. You are smart to pass. Very smart.

      We had a short conversation about the Stirrings, but it wasn't too because Katarina already knows all about the birds and bees and humans. The best part about our Stirrings conversation is that it happened on the bus, and even though we were talking quietly, the lady behind us was definitely eavesdropping. She was giving me a mix between the "I can't believe you are having this conversation" and "we don't talk about sex" stares.

  4. THE Fourth Bear...great second book to the fairy tale series! Wish hed write a third!

    1. I'm excited to read it! And I'm waiting (impatiently) for the second Shades Of Grey book to come out, too!

  5. Glad your stomach is ok!
    And polka-dotted shells are amazing! Dusk is a bit harder here lately. It's earlier than you by an hour or so, and often it will be after many days with no sun. However, I do love dusk in the spring/summer.
    Every time I see a photo of your kid, I nearly gasp. She just seems so cool. I hope Scarlet and I have that kind of relationship someday.

    1. You are so very sweet. I think you and Scarlet will most definitely have a close relationship and closer as she gets older. It is a special bond this being girls thing.

  6. The dotty ones are the best!

    What is the grammar book? I want to read it!

  7. I need to start composing a weekly list of gratitude. So many good things about it. Early morning silliness is a personal favorite.

  8. Polka dotted shells are beautiful! I'm going to the wrong beaches; I only find beach colored shells.

    I love rainy evenings, too, as long as I can stay home and watch them from my window.

    My husband and son went to a Chinese-Mexican Buffet. My husband stuck to Chinese, but my son has a cast iron stomach and did both. And lived to tell about it. Luckily, so did you!

  9. A long time ago I went to an Indian / Italian restaurant. I think the chef had lived in both places. It was bizarre, but I got Indian and others got Italian and everything was good. It was very strange, but we went back several times, and never had a bad meal. I'm not sure if it's still open anymore though.

  10. With the world being so small now days it shouldn't be any surprise that some cooks can cook food from a number of countries

    1. That is very true....but I'm pretty sure no one from any of those countries would recognize the food served at that particular restaurant! ;-)

  11. Those shells are gorgeous!
    I have wanted to read The Giver. It's on my list. I have to go to Goodreads and send you a friend request! It sounds like I might pick up some great read ideas from you.
    Glad you lived to tell about the Latin American Chinese Sushi joint.....don't go back!!

    1. Please do! I would love to connect with you there.

      Don't worry - I won't be going back to that scary place....EVER again! :-)

  12. Sycamore trees are so wonderful! I love the smell! I can be somewhere on the other side of the world, smell a sycamore tree and immediately transport to a family vacation spot of my childhood.

  13. There's something magical about seeing kids reading chapter books I remember reading.

    I'm thankful for hugs. And scarves. Winter is never ending.

  14. Books, beach treasures, and trees all trigger my own smiles and gratitude too. Glad you didn't get sick, but what on earth is Latin American Chinese Sushi?! Sushi, yes. Fusion, most times, yes. All that? Yikes! :>

  15. Heehee! "Nothing good is happening there." I personally only eat sushi from sushi places...that maybe serve Chinese. Ha! You look SO YOUNG in that morning picture.

  16. Love this list! And just the whole idea of listing things you are thankful for. I'm jealous of the 19 books...I am an incredibly slow reader and it takes me foreverrrrr to read a book. You do look so young in the selfie! I am enjoying the #365FeministSelfie project too, even though I don't do it everyday either.

  17. You certainly do have an eclectic Goodreads list. I love mysteries and tend to read books in a series, so my list is quite boring in comparison.
    What did you think of "Defending Jacob"?
